Adcubum AG

Legal information

Company's registered office

Adcubum AG
Zürcherstrasse 464
9015 St.Gallen

Company identification number: CHE-109.278.714
Commercial register office: St. Gallen

Branch offices in Switzerland

Werkhofstrasse 18
6005 Luzern

Untere Steingrubenstrasse 3
4500 Solothurn

Bahnhofplatz 1A
8304 Wallisellen

Subsidiary Germany

Head office:
Adcubum Deutschland GmbH
Schockenriedstraße 4
70565 Stuttgart

Executive Board: Dr. Steven Neubauer, Eike Schmidt, Dean Gluyas

District Court: Stuttgart
HRB: 22320
VAT ID number: DE217410393

Branch offices in Germany

Mitte Branch Office
Gladbecker Straße 1 - 3
40472 Düsseldorf

Nord Branch Office
Raboisen 5 (Haus Brügge)
20095 Hamburg

Subsidiary in Croatia

Adcubum d.o.o.
Ivana Lučića 2a
10000 Zagreb

Company identification number (EUID): HRSR.081187163
VAT ID number: HR66937430059

Directors: Steven Neubauer, Dean Gluyas, Bojan Poljicak
Procurator: Stefan Haag, Sarandeza Shabanaj

The content of this website is protected by copyright. Adcubum AG endeavours to respect all third-party property rights or copyrights or to use licence-free documents, graphics, texts, data or video sequences. All trademarks and brand names mentioned on the website and potentially protected by third parties are subject without restrictions to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and property rights of the registered owner. As a rule, the copyrights to the documents, graphics, texts, data or video sequences published on this website remain with their respective owners.